Network Marketing Aakhir Badnaam Kyun Hai?: 50 Unsuljhe Kaaran (Hindi Edition)
Notion Press
Why read this book? Many say that network marketing is the business of tomorrow. A golden future is hidden in it. So on the other hand some people say that this is just an act to fool people, it is a fraud, a fraud. If network marketing is good then -Why has network marketing become so infamous today? -After all, who has a hand in defaming network marketing? -After all, who is defaming network marketing? -Why do so many people hate network marketing? -Then why there is so much negativity about network marketing in the market today? And if network marketing is really a fraud, then -Why does no one stop network marketing? -What is the truth after all? What is a lie? -Start or Quit Network Marketing Are you too worried, confused about network marketing? If all these questions also come in your mind, and you want to know the truth. What is the truth after all? so You will get the answer of all your questions in this book. because It is your right to know the truth. It is your right to know the truth. Everything inside is about to be revealed. Many secrets are about to be revealed. You will get such information in this book, knowing which your senses will be blown away.
- | Author: Sandeep Kumar Soonami
- | Publisher: Notion Press
- | Publication Date: July 15, 2021
- | Number of Pages: 246 pages
- | Language: Hindi
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1639746404
- | ISBN-13: 9781639746408
- Author:
- Sandeep Kumar Soonami
- Publisher:
- Notion Press
- Publication Date:
- July 15, 2021
- Number of pages:
- 246 pages
- Language:
- Hindi
- Binding:
- Paperback
- ISBN-10:
- 1639746404
- ISBN-13:
- 9781639746408