Scale Studies For The Cello (One String), Book Two
C. Harvey Publications
Scale Studies (One String) for the Cello, Book Two presents the advanced cellist with another exciting array of scale studies and variations up a single string. The books in this series are particularly useful as essential daily technique, helping the cello player acquire a mental map of the higher positions of the fingerboard. Scale Studies Book Two builds in difficulty and intensity from Book One, including more complicated rhythms and bowings and a greater variety of fingerings, and helping the cellist prepare for scales in concert literature. Other books in the series are Scale Studies (One String) for the Cello, Book One and Book Three, and related studies are included in Broken Thirds (One String) for the Cello, Book Two. This is a new, expanded edition, with more keys and bowing variations. This book is intended for use with an instructor, or for use by professional-level cellists. "Scale Studies Book Two" construit en difficulte et l'intensite du livre premier, donnant les rythmes complexes et avancees violoncelliste coups d'archet, une plus grande variete de doigtes et les echelles qui sont plus proches de celles trouvees dans la litterature pour violoncelle. Nouvelle edition elargie, avec des variations plus. Ce livre est destine a ètre utilise avec un professeur, ou pour une utilisation par des professionnels de niveau violoncellistes. "Scale Studies Book Two" baut in Schwierigkeiten und die Intensität Book One. Das Buch gibt fortgeschrittenen Violoncellisten komplizierten Rhythmen und Verbeugungen, eine größere Vielfalt von Finger Muster und Skalen, die näher an den in Cello-Literatur zu finden sind. New erweiterte Auflage, mit mehr Variationen. Dieses Buch ist fur die Verwendung mit einem Lehrer oder fur die Nutzung durch professionelle Ebene Cellisten bestimmt. "Libro de Estudios Escala Two" se basa en la dificultad e intensidad del libro primero, dando a los ritmos violonchelista avanzadas complicados y arcos, una mayor variedad de digitaciones y escalas que se acercan mas a los encontrados en la literatura violonchelo. Nueva edicion ampliada, con mas teclas y mas variaciones de inclinacion. Este libro esta disenado para su uso con un instructor, o para uso de profesionales a nivel de violonchelistas.
- | Author: Cassia Harvey
- | Publisher: C. Harvey Publications
- | Publication Date: Oct 31, 2018
- | Number of Pages: 52 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 163523154X
- | ISBN-13: 9781635231540
- Author:
- Cassia Harvey
- Publisher:
- C. Harvey Publications
- Publication Date:
- Oct 31, 2018
- Number of pages:
- 52 pages
- Language:
- English
- Binding:
- Paperback
- ISBN-10:
- 163523154X
- ISBN-13:
- 9781635231540