Shoulder surgery is a type of surgery concerned with the treatment of injured shoulders. It is most commonly used in repairing the tissues, muscles and damaged joints. Two of the major conditions in which a shoulder surgery is performed are dislocated shoulder and separated shoulder. Arthroscopic surgery and Laterjet surgery are common treatment methods used for treating a dislocated shoulder. Arthroscopic surgery is not much effective in the cases, where the shoulder bones begin to wear down even after the surgery. In such cases, a Laterjet surgery is performed. Weaver-Dunn procedure is a method for treating a separated shoulder. This book includes some of the vital pieces of work being conducted across the world, on various topics related to shoulder surgery. The various advancements in shoulder surgery are glanced at and their applications as well as ramifications are looked at in detail. Students, doctors, experts and all associated with shoulder surgery will benefit alike from this book.