Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) refers to the ability of a microbe to resist the effects of medication aimed to kill it. Antibiotic resistance is a form of AMR. Some microbes can be resistant to multiple antimicrobials. They are called multidrug resistant microbes. Resistant microbes are difficult to treat and require higher doses of antimicrobials or alternative medications. Resistance typically occurs through genetic mutation, natural resistance or by acquiring resistance from another species. Proper sanitation and hygiene maintenance can minimize the spread of infections. Another strategy for achieving this is using narrow-spectrum antibiotics over broad-spectrum antibiotics. The field of infection control addresses all factors related to the spread of infections within the healthcare setting. This book unravels the recent studies in antimicrobial resistance and infection control. It will provide interesting topics for research, which interested readers can take up. The extensive content herein provides the readers with a thorough understanding of the subject.