The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruits website. Table of Contents Foreword Rev Dr Samuel W. Hynd, DSc, CBE 5 Preface 9 Chapter One: The Holiness Movement 13 Chapter Two: George Sharpe and the Nazarenes 25 Chapter Three: David Thomas and the Holiness Mission 45 Chapter Four: The British Isles District, 1916-1940 65 Chapter Five: Maynard James and the Calvary Holiness Church, 1930-40 107 Chapter Six: Union under Frame and Madagan, 1940-1960 131 Chapter Seven: Foreign Missions -Jones and Hynd 173 Chapter Eight: Mid-Century 219 Chapter Nine: Education and Growth 259 Chapter Ten: Theology and Mission 291 Epilogue and Prologue 309 Bibliography 317 Index 328