ABOUT THE BOOK SALES FUNNEL - FOR OMG ROI - 9 Ways your Sales Funnel with Explode our Success! - 7 Tips to turn your List into Massive Sales! - 5 Types of products to ensure Increased Income! - 9 Proven ideas for Dominating the competition! - 7 Tactics for Lean Lead Generation - for List-Building Fantasies! - 85 Ways to Dazzle Your Customers - and Keep 'Em Coming Back! - 12 Think to you need to get On Track & Stay On Top! Stop leaving money on the table! You've heard the old saying, "Nothing happens until something is sold." With Sales Funnel - for OMG ROI!, you can make more growth happen in your business because of the strategies and tactics you learn . . . and use. There are two ways to make more money: get more customers to sell to and sell more to the customers you already have. With Sales Funnel - for OMG ROI! you'll do both. You'll make the most of what you spend on lead generation. And, you'll make more from each of your customers. You'll learn how to thrill your customers and keep them coming back for more. You'll gain more understanding of what your customers want . . . and you'll give them that. It's a win-win. Your buyers get their needs and wants met - big time. And you make more money. Woo hoo!