In this book you will be offered tips and suggestions on how to get your own urban homestead up and running and even what you can do to make an income from it. If you are looking for an organic food source that you can be sure is not full of chemicals or genetically engineered then checking this book out will help guide you in starting your own homestead or mini farm. Perhaps you have been thinking about growing your own foods due to all of the media coverage going on dealing with the dark side of the agricultural industry. Where the focus is more about producing food for profit rather than nutrition. Plants have been modified at their DNA levels in order to grow at accelerated rates coupled with synthetic chemicals to help them grow faster. These are sure good enough reasons to want to start your own homestead. You will find the tips and suggestions offered in this book easy to follow, as well as being beneficial in starting up a mini farm or homestead. Not only will homesteading be much better for your health, but it will also be very cost effective as well. In the long run you find that mini farming or homesteading is going to be much easier on your pocket book compared to buying organic foods from a grocery store. As I am sure you are aware that the cost of organic fruits and vegetables is very expensive when buying them from a grocery store. They are inexpensive when you grow them yourself. Growing your own veggies will allow you to cut the middle costs out as you will become the cultivator and the vendor of your own fruits and veggies. Once you get the feel for growing your own produce you will enjoy it as a fulfilling hobby that you will reap many benefits from or you may branch out to it becoming a source of income for you. You will find the information collected in this book most helpful in getting you started with your own mini farm or homestead.