All the way in the future after Trunks a descended of Bulmas has gather the DNA of all the strongest Saiyans ever to live and all that she has collected to save her time line and save what was left of the human kind. She had a all this going in a tank She imprinted memory of being Goku other son and that he was taken from him. He had untapped power that he will learn over time to save this time and his own. The Z Fighters go to the city where Future Trunks told them the Androids would appear, Sasebo. Right in the middle of a city a strange time machine appeared and it had fluid and everything in it they took it to Bulma's place and she scanned it and Goku stood there looking at him in the pod and then the message came up and it explain to all there what this was and why he was sent there and to Goku and Gohan,