The Lord gave me this word a few years ago - On 11-3-15 I had a dream about Jesus and the coming wedding. I dreamed about a bride who was about to be married to a groom. I could tell that the bride did not want to commit to the groom. She kept making all kinds of excuses why she could not commit and go through the process of the wedding. The bride ended up running away from the wedding. She ran into a room and the groom followed her there. In this room was a place of hurt that the bride did not want to deal with. She ended up going through a doorway not to be seen again. The groom was hurt because He was in love with the bride to be but knew He had done His best and loved the bride and tried to show her how He felt. He tried to help her with her hidden pain. I could see the hurt on His face from the rejection. The groom knew it was her choice to truly love Him or not. I then realized that the groom was Jesus and the bride represented professing Christians who were making excuses for not wanting to commit and be with Jesus.