Vulnerables: Una Historia Miamense De Amor (Spanish Edition)

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ESPA?OL: En la multi?tnica Miami, m?s de cien incidentes se suman a bizarras experiencias de amor, donde el denominador com?n de fondo es la prevalencia de abuso, negligencia y explotaci?n en j?venes, adultos y ancianos vulnerables.Isaac Dickens, un investigador pol?ticamente incorrecto, descubre un mundo sombreado por la fatiga de la compasi?n y los s?ndromes de Procusto y de Dunning-Kruger, donde la historia psicopatol?gica y pol?tica de las personas, y sus apetitos, transforman las circunstancias.En cuanto al amor de pareja, nada es imposible cuando la atracci?n, m?s all? de la conciencia y la experiencia, es dominada por mol?culas de ADN t?ctil, haces de bioenerg?a que se conectan por contacto, la voz, olfato y dem?s sentidos, el microquimerismo masculino y la inteligencia. Una historia m?ltiple de amor.Novela anal?tica inspirada en recientes hechos reales. Esta novela est? escrita en versiones en espa?ol e ingl?s.Su autor es un escritor cubanoamericano, cient?fico, abogado y trabajador social cl?nico que ha publicado m?s de quince libros y m?s de cien art?culos en diferentes pa?ses. Ha recibido premios literarios y cient?ficos. ENGLISH: In multiethnic Miami, over a hundred incidents sum to bizarre love experiences, where a background common denominator is the prevalence of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable youths, adults, and elderly people.Isaac Dickens, a politically incorrect investigator, copes a world shadowed by compassion fatigue, and Procrustes and Dunning-Kruger syndromes, where psychopathological and political history of persons, and their appetites, transform circumstances.Regarding the love of couples, nothing is impossible when attraction, beyond consciousness and experience, is dominated by molecules of touch DNA, threads of bioenergy connecting by contact and at a distance, in addition to the subtle human apocrine glands, the senses, male microchimerism, and intelligence. A multiple story of love.An analytical novel inspired in recent actual incidents. This novel is written in Spanish and English versions.Its author is a Cuban-American writer, scientist, lawyer, and clinical social worker who authored some fifteen books and over articles published in different countries. He has been awarded with literature and science prizes.
  • | Author: Mois Ass
  • | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • | Publication Date: Jul 25, 2017
  • | Number of Pages: 228 pages
  • | Language: Spanish
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1547197617
  • | ISBN-13: 9781547197613
Mois Ass
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date:
Jul 25, 2017
Number of pages:
228 pages