Every day all around the world, learners of the English language are constantly battling with those irksome multiple word verbs which we all refer to as phrasal verbs. This book has been written as a guide on how to use two hundred commonly used phrasal verbs by way of exercises. There is also a glossary which goes more into detail on their usage along with plenty more examples. It is always best to learn phrasal verbs in a natural context through natural speech. Without context, phrasal verbs mean nothing. Level B1 to C1 grammar is continuously used throughout the book to enable learners to learn not only phrasal verbs in a natural context but also to become more acquainted with grammar structures. The author has not gone into detail about how to remember which particle goes with which verb. There are ongoing debates among linguists about whether or not this makes a complicated situation even more complicated. It does nothing to speed up the learning process if the student has to waste time trying to decipher particles before he or she starts to speak. Phrasal verbs are picked up naturally as students slowly progress in their studies. Remember, out of context even native speakers are unable to decipher their meanings.