Who were the Vikings? Did they earn the reputation of remorseless raiders and greedy pirates? Where they more than the mere barbarians and plunderers that history makes them out to be? Find out the truth about the Vikings with History of Vikings: From The History of "Rune Stones" to "Norse Mythology" by Michael J. Stewart. Stewart takes you beyond rumor and speculation and into the real world of the Scandinavian seafarers known as the Vikings. You'll get the true story, not an oversimplified Hollywood myth. You'll learn: Who the Vikings were and why they raided their neighbors How the Vikings used runestones to tell stories about the gods and themselves What life was like in the Viking Age for an ordinary Viking family What Vikings at war fought with and lived and died for About their myths and their pantheon of gods including Freyja, Odin, Thor, and Loki With History of Vikings: From The History of "Rune Stones" to "Norse Mythology" by Michael J. Stewart, you get more than a simple history. This quick dip uses the study of archeological findings and surviving collections of prose and poetic works to paint an accurate picture of these famous people. Stewart presents the facts; it's up to you to draw your own conclusions. Don't dismiss the Vikings as heretical barbicans. Learn how they really lived.