50 KEYS TO A GOOD LIFE is a book written as inspired by God's Holy Spirit after the nature of the author's calling. Key counsels required to inspire, instruct and encourage the reader are packaged in this book under several sub-titles. This is surely a compendium of the God-breathed word in sizeable chunks for almost every issue prevalent and important to the wellbeing of the 21st century Christian. 50 Keys to a Good Life is not a secular motivational book, but a spiritual and prophetic guidance handbook, authored through God's divine grace. It is freshly baked in the bakery of The Holy Spirit of God for divine guidance. God gave me this message to help every reader understand that living a good life is a product of walking according to God's counsel. In my 50 years on the surface of the earth and well over two decades in the service of The Master as a servant of God in the priesthood and evangelistic cum prayer and prophetic ministries, I have come in contact with many people and ministered to hundreds of people by the grace of God. My discovery is that when a man walks in consonant with God's counsel, he ends up enjoying a good life.