Prayer will shake the very foundation of hell and set the captives free. The Apostles prayed, despite the threats of the enemy and the counsel of Jerusalem, to stamp out the name of Jesus and the move of God in Jerusalem. (Acts 4:23-31). God give us today praying men and women. Hudson Taylor Prayed: "Give me England less I die!" Such passion for souls and to see the move of God in a nation torn by secularism and pleasure. America and the world should exercise this same fervent passion for prayer. Jesus said: "Men ought always to pray and not to faint..." (Luke 18:1) Prayer is still our link with God; it is still the means by which we access the throne of heaven; it is still our access to the keys to the kingdom, and without it we are powerless. This is our hour; it is our season; God is calling the church back to prayer; back to confession; back to decreeing; back to declaring!
| Author: Pr Randy Earnest Simmons, Pr. Lucimar Campos Simmons