The Bethlehem Star And The Adventuires Of A Wise Man

Xulon Press
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When we think about the birth of Christ, many things come, to mind but one of those many things is the wise men. These men were Persians. What motivated them to cross hundreds of miles of desert and follow a star that was leading them west to Israel, a Jewish nation under Roman rule? The star was unlike any to the stars in the heavens that they studied. They knew it was a special star, but why? Their king wanted to know if the star could be a warning of impending danger to the kingdom. Dyrus is a fifteen year shepherd boy who lives with his parents and grandparents in mountains of Persia during the time of Christ's birth. He wants to know about the things of the world more than the does about being a shepherd boy. Dyrus also saw the star one night while on a wolf hunt and was totally amazed what he saw. The king's wise men come to the mountains to better observe the and study the star. Dyrus and the wise men meet and Dyrur's life is forever changed. Dyrus becomes an apprentice to the wise men. Searching for answers to the many questions about the Star started a life time of adventures for Dyrus. It started first with just learning what all it took to be an apprentice to the wise men. This learning process allowed him to go with the wise men as they followed the star. The conclusion of the trip answered many questions, but in Dyrus' mind but there were still answers to be found. The questions stayed in the back of Dyrus' mind even as he grew up and became a wise man. Questions why was the baby they saw so special to have a star announce his birth? Who was he to be when he grew up? What did or would the Romans think or do? What would the King of Israel think or do? The answer to the questions lead Dyrus to travel back to Israel in search of a man doing miracles. His trip to Israel answered all of his questions he thought. After returning home he received some disturbing news from Israel that raised more difficult questions. Dyrus saw no way to find the answers to the new questions. His questions were brought up in a discussion that came at a later time and in an unexpected way. He accompanied his friend, the captain of the king's guard and his men in the search for Roman spies the western desert of the kingdom. They found no spies, but they found an intriguing man with a strange name. In discussions with this man, Dyrus' questions were brought up. The man answered Dyrus in a strange way and not as he expected. Did these answers provide Dyrus with his "FINAL ANSWER"? ABOUT THE AUTHOR He is an aerospace engineer who retired after thirty-seven-years of working in the experimental aerodynamics field of designing and testing wind tunnel models. He has tested many well known aircraft configurations and their variations, B-58, F-111, F-16, F-22, and F-35 as well as many advanced study configurations that were never built. He is an avid hunter. He has written many technical reports. For fun, he has written stories about some of his better hunts. Two were published in hunting magazines. He never dreamed that he would write a book. He and his wife have three children, three grand children and one great grandson. He and his wife live a small town in the Texas hill country.
  • | Author: Victor Ammann
  • | Publisher: Xulon Press
  • | Publication Date: Nov 16, 2017
  • | Number of Pages: 402 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback/History
  • | ISBN-10: 1545613710
  • | ISBN-13: 9781545613719
Victor Ammann
Xulon Press
Publication Date:
Nov 16, 2017
Number of pages:
402 pages