This new volume is a continuation of the subject in the previous book A Picture of Redemption in the Feasts of Israel. This book continues the story of Redemption by showing God's preserving work in the life of His people. Over and over again other forces tried to destroy the Israelite people. If they had succeeded there would have been no people for the Messiah to come through or to. God would have had to start over or bring the Messiah through another people group. But no one ever succeeded because our sovereign God's plan was to preserve His people as a national, ethnic group for the coming of the Messiah and they were indeed preserved.This preservation has various feasts and festivals associated with it. In this book we will look at God's preservation of His people and see how the people have remembered these times down through history even to the present day by celebrating these festival occasions in addition to the ones in Leviticus 23. The Messiah is seen in some way in each feast and the celebration of the feasts is a celebration of salvation through the Messiah.This book goes on to share the feasts that surround the birth, life, death and resurrection of the Messiah Jesus when He came to this earth. These feasts were established by the early church to recognize the important salvation events that fulfilled prophecy in the actual life of the Messiah. These events were the accomplishment of the plan of Redemption that God established in Genesis 3:15. These celebrations are not found in the New Testament but have been part of the life of the church since the earliest times. These Festivals reveal God's plan of Redemption through the Messiah. As we study these feasts we will gain a greater knowledge and understanding our own salvation. And, we hope and pray, a deeper relationship with the Messiah Jesus Himself. Lets look at the festivals and see their message, see how Jesus participated in them and how He fulfilled them all. Lets see the picture of redemption in the feasts of the Messiah!