Nowadays, more and more people are looking for an "easy" way to make extra money so as to gain their financial independence. If you are a college student, a busy parent, or you aren't satisfied from your primary income and you want to make more money so as to fulfill your dreams, then this kindle book is going to be your startup point for your new business plans. Earn more and lead your way through success- Passive Income Ideas by Ernest Chua is going to provide you with useful management strategies and ideas in order to set up your own online "passive" business. No, being successful is not just a matter of luck- it's rather a matter of self determination, personal research and extensive study. This book is not only going to provide you with case studies and well-planned strategies; you can also get inspired from the examples provided so as to follow your own path. 9 chapters full of useful information that will change your life forever; fresh and alternative ideas that will rock your world; practical and easy tips that will boost your confidence and most importantly will offer you extra money so as to make your dreams come true. Start planning your way and see your life becoming better from one day to another- learn everything you need to know now!
| Author: E. Max|Surprise Publishing, Surprise Publishing