Facts Of Love

Partridge Publishing Singapore
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The facts of love are many, but none are truer than the ones Catanna came to learn the hard way. You cannot learn to love, for it is not a skill. You cannot evade love, for it is as inherent a part of life as is breathing. The word 'fall' in the 'term fall in love' does not quite belong, for love elevates you, changes you, and turns you into the best, most beautiful and rounded version of yourself that you can possibly imagine. Catanna was to learn these facts the hard way. Nothing was really truly a mystery to Alexander. He was a man of great intellect, well-read, social, an avid reader and not to mention extremely handsome. He was the Prince Charming and the perfect eligible bachelor for every single female in the vicinity and far-flung areas alike. As polite as he was to all, none truly ever caught his eye till he happened to set them upon Catanna, who thoroughly lacked social graces and knew nothing of politeness. Hell-bent on proving to the haughty princes that love did not only exist in fairy tales, Alexander and Catanna embark on an exhilarating journey that will leave them both breathless and disoriented. Between the two stands, Catanna's cousin Edward, her uncle's dying wish, an impending marriage, and binding will. Edward, too, is betrothed to another whom he loves, but bound by his duty to his people. But as we mentioned earlier, the facts of love are many. What more have the three learned? Does love demand sacrifice? or Does love conquer all?

  • | Author: Ban A. Sharif Nabulsi
  • | Publisher: Partridge Publishing Singapore
  • | Publication Date: Mar 29, 2023
  • | Number of Pages: 110 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1543769578
  • | ISBN-13: 9781543769579
Ban A. Sharif Nabulsi
Partridge Publishing Singapore
Publication Date:
Mar 29, 2023
Number of pages:
110 pages