Homemade Survival Weapons: 10 Badass DIY Weapons That Will Save Your Life When SHTF The ability to create a weapon from the materials that surround you is one of the reasons that humans have evolved above the other creatures on this planet. However, that same evolution has led to a variety of bad decisions which have put the world at risk of a global scale disaster. It can be argued that the effect of humans has caused global warming and the increase in dangerous storms; which have devastating consequences. In addition the balance of power across the world and the relative stability which goes with this is dynamically changing. The threat of a huge scale disaster is looming larger than ever; as witnessed by the doomsday clock. The result of all this uncertainty is a greater need than ever before to prepare for what is becoming an increasingly likely scenario. Being prepared involves more than stockpiling food and water. You will also need a means of defending yourself. As society breaks down there will be many people who have not prepared and who are desperate to take what you have. You will not be able to share everything and will need to be able to stand firm; it will be the survival of the strongest and your ability to create a weapon will make you stronger than those who have failed to plan. Read this book to gain an understanding of how to make ten of the best home made weapons possible: Introduction to why the ability to make weapons from everyday items will be essential. 5 Basic weapons, generally used for close range fighting. These are easy to make and very effective in a variety of roles. 5 More advance, longer distance weapons to warn attackers off before they even make their move. Download your E book "Homemade Survival Weapons: 10 Badass DIY Weapons That Will Save Your Life When SHTF"Buy Now with 1-Click" button!