Brother vs. brother on a thrill ride through the Great Smoky Mountains. "Tough, gritty, realistic, intense... And, here's the best part in a fast-moving suspense thriller, it's thought-provoking, too. A terrific debut, and the kind of novel that will keep you up all night." -- William Martin, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Lost Constitution and The Lincoln Letter Can a combat vet heal his tortured soul by killing again? A white church goer and veteran, Dewey Long is a good man to know if you need a machine fixed, from a chain saw to a bicycle. He loves kids and dogs. Yet he harbors a dark secret, which leads him to kill, then escape to the Great Smoky Mountains. Dewey's attempt to start fresh in the wilds is disrupted by two backpackers, Chantal Washington, an alluring biology teacher, and her husband, Gary, a black criminal attorney. In a perilous wilderness chase, the one cop with a hope of bringing Dewey to justice is his kid brother, Andy. Bursting from the fault line between politics and religion during the divisive 2016 election campaign, Unborn Again is a thriller that probes the complex nature of good and evil, explosive emotional issues about race and abortion, interposed by the power of love. "What a great read it was, very exciting--and this is how you know it's good--l hated for it to end!" - Anne Wlodarski, Co-Author of Alamo Ghosts "Unborn Again is more than the riveting story of brother against brother. It's also the story of our country in turmoil over intractable issues. Mr. Suchecki carefully weaves a story that goes far deeper than political views and ideologies. He dives into the individual human hearts of those involved. This can't be read without some degree of personal growth and a sharpening of perspective." -- Jack Comeau, Author of Distress Signal "Unborn Again is a fun read, with a ripped from the headlines feel. The story rushes along into terrain that is both compelling and terrifying. Each turn and twist offers the reader the feeling of being live within the action. There is, of course, no way healing can be found through killing. Nonetheless, trekking into the territory that the author explores in this book, like the mountain-scape the killer of the abortionist escapes into, allows the reader a diverting way to explore current divides within our society."-- Dean Adams Curtis, Author of Running for President on $10 a Day (Has scenes of sex and violence - parental discretion advised)
- | Author: Paul M. J. Suchecki
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Jun 16, 2017
- | Number of Pages: 172 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1542946433
- | ISBN-13: 9781542946438