Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that the existing 500 and 1,000 rupee banknotes will be withdrawn from the financial system overnight. The surprise move is part of a crackdown on corruption and illegal cash holdings.The decision met with mixed initial reactions while some welcomed the move, hailed demonetisation as a 'revolutionary step', 'Surgical Attack/ fierce fight against black money and corruption', will bringing transparency and strengthen Indian economy. While critics call the move 'authoritarian', 'monumental mismanagement'. 'despotic action', 'hollow move',' witless', 'anti-people', 'major mistake', 'Sickening and Immoral' etc., and expressed skepticism about its outcome. The compiled book entitled 'Facts and Figures of Demonesisation in India-Views, Reactions and Impact' presents reactions of National and International media as well as views of noted Political Parties, economists, industrialist, corporate chiefs, entrepreneurs, bankers, educationists, film personalities and public. For convenience of readers the book is divided into the following chapters.1. The Theory of Demonetization 2.Facts & Figures of Demonetization of Indian Currency 3.Views and Reactions of Economists,Politicians,Experts on Demonetization 4.Costs and Benefits of Demonetization 5.Advantages and disadvantages of demonetization of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 currency notes? 6.Political Aspect of Demonetization 7.Tax Policies, Raids and Seizures -Post Demonetization 8.Visible impact of Demonetization 9.Demonetization and Terrorism 10.Scenario after 50 Days of Demonesisation 11.Frequently Asked Questions 11.ReferencesThe book being first of its kind may be considered as an essential one-stop guide for the concerned who are interested in in-depth understanding of demonetization and its short, medium and long time economic, social and political, impact in India.
- | Author: Ajit Kumar Roy
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Jan 28, 2017
- | Number of Pages: 802 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1542802318
- | ISBN-13: 9781542802314