Want to earn some extra cash on the side? Think the internet's just the place for it? Worried that you don't have what it takes to make it? You are not alone. Many have dabbled with becoming an entrepreneur on the internet, but surrender because of challenges unique to the arena. Those who prosper spin tales of wealth and reward, but are tight-lipped about how they got there. With a little grit and knowhow, you can make the web your gateway to financial security. In fact, surviving is as simple as reading this book and keeping it that way. In his unpretentious and approachable style, author Kelvin Wang DX arms you with all the information needed for e-commerce success. Covers the pros and cons of an online business. Helps you find the perfect product based on your passions. Introduces you to the tools of the trade: your business plan, your website, your brand. Walks you through the process of advertising via social media. Teaches you how to turn an audience into a money-making market. Now's the time to turn your big dreams into big business. Take that first step by reading e-Business Blueprint: Your Pass to Financial Freedom today
- | Author: Kelvin Wang DX
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Jan 16, 2017
- | Number of Pages: 70 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1542555566
- | ISBN-13: 9781542555562