What is holding you bound? Is it the troubles of your life? Have your troubles consumed your thoughts that you cannot function productively throughout the day? have our woes controlled your mind leaving you in a state of feeling paralyzed until all you want to do is to not feel the pain that is troubling your mind and your heart any longer? What do you turn to? What do you turn to release the agony, pressure and pain of your sorrows? Do you turn to sex? Do you turn to alcohol? Do you turn to drugs? or do you turn to God? What does it mean to be bound? What is it that you are allowing to hold you hostage? Being bound is like being in a jail or cage. There are times of the day that the guard will release a prisoner from their cell just to see if they will actively move in a direction that will free them from bondage. But until they understand the root of what got them there in the first place they will continue to make poor choices every time they are released from what's holding them bound. They will always have a desire to go back to that place of familiarity. But we can't afford to stay in our familiarity. We cannot afford to dwell in our comfort zone. For there is no growth, that comes form maintaining a holding pattern or from doing the same things. We must learn from our behaviors and change to get to our greater. Walk with me and LOOSE your BOUND.