Only music keeps us here, each by all the others held. -- Wendell Berry What is the music that "keeps us here" in this dance of later life? What else but the stirrings of spirit? Spirit which first draws us inward, nudging us to forsake our masks, let go of our egos, and "come home to who we really are." Spirit which then returns us to the world and to the circle of our fellow dancers, bearing our gifts to the family of the Earth. The essays, and the many poems scattered throughout this anthology -- the contributions of 45 writers and poets -- explore this "dance of spirit in later life." New essays companion earlier essays from Second Journey's 2011 exploration of The Spirituality of Later Life. All four sections contain a tribute to an elder whose life has been emblematic, each concludes with an Invitation to Practice. Interspersed throughout, authors who have been our virtual partners in the work of birthing a new vision of aging for our time offer reflections on the books from which they have drawn sustenance. Dip into this rich collection at any point and you will find yourself drawn to linger and reflect. The essays, and the many poems scattered throughout this anthology -- the contributions of 45 writers and poets -- explore the "dance of spirit in later life." New essays, tributes to elders whose lives have been emblematic, and "invitations to practice" accompany earlier essays from Second Journey's 2011 exploration of The Spirituality of Later Life. Dip into this rich collection at any point and you will find yourself drawn to linger and reflect.
- | Author: Bolton Anthony|Bolton Anthony Ed D, Randy Morris Ph.D
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Sep 01, 2017
- | Number of Pages: 268 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1541262239
- | ISBN-13: 9781541262232