Do these statements resonate with you? -You're seeking a way to translate your dreams into reality but don't know how -You feel that you're drifting off course and don't know how to get back on track 'Paradigm Uncovered' relates one man's determination to do those things and more in the aftermath of a life-changing event. Using age-old techniques told through the lens of his own life experiences, the author sets out to inspire you to realise your ambitions to: -Draft attainable goals and flourish -Alter your mind set and better manage your schedule -Effectively make use of human resources of all kinds -Understand how many people fail by consulting the wrong mediums -Understand the benefits of learning from past experiences and using them to keep yourself focused Take charge of your own destiny. It's your life - you cannot afford to! Jerry Daliel is a motivational writer and internet sensation who's on a mission to inspire you. When a serious car accident left him wheelchair bound, he overcame many difficulties to study not one but two-degree programs. But graduating with an honours degree in law wasn't his only achievement. He continues to encourage and challenge many people through his graduation ceremony video: 'I stood up to a standing ovation'.