At The Heart Of The Devil: Discretion Advised

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The common denominator in many Western countries is that people feel as if they have lost control and their fundamental rights to govern their destinies. These factors are driven by the economy, although it is debatable; another factor is mass immigration from Muslim countries and the rest of the Third World. We have to be careful when we view nationalism, slightly as something that keeps us insular from the world; there are queuing waves of anti-establishment wings that feel like their nation's Christian values are being overrun by Islam and Muslim demographics. The world is very concerned about protecting Islam and Muslims from criticism, instead of holding them accountable so that they, themselves can keep their house in order. We talk about slavery from the Western world but ignore the crimes committed in the name of Islam, by Muslims for 14 centuries, including the invasion of Europe and the Black slavery done by Middle Eastern Muslims. Every time one criticizes Islam, the word "racism" comes up, and both the mainstream parties from the Left and the Right are enabling it, despite the fact that Islam is not a race, but a religion and a political movement. Religion imposes its will and agenda by keeping people's energy on a Supreme Being that has created an inferior human race who will be met with eternal punishments if they do not submit to its will. Judaism does it; Christianity does it, Islam does it, Hinduism does it, etc. We, Black Africans are not asking ourselves serious questions about our system of values. Our way of thinking and much of the things contributing to many black majority countries being poor. We are governing over 50 countries, but most of them are not in good shape; we spend our times blaming everything on Colonization and Slavery, instead of dealing with our inadequacies. The trouble Black people is that we are too tolerant of the wrong things, and we do not listen until it is too late. We don't question our traditions, beliefs, virtues, etc.; many of us just assume that because our ancestors did one thing, that one thing has to be that way. The Danes, the Norwegians, the Finns and other similar groups are too quick to play the politically incorrect game by using derogatory languages on someone else's race in a sarcastic manner. But when someone like the French-born author, Balthazar Rodrigue Nzomono-Balenda is politically incorrect towards that group, they suddenly grow cold, condescending and arrogant. Are Jews now the ones raising concerns about immigration and white identity for Whites? Are they running the world, or are they just tired of Muslims bothering them? Does the Far Left care about the dangers of Islam? Is the Far Right's perception on different situations reactionary and small? These are some of the themes, this book covers. AT THE HEART OF THE DEVIL - Discretion Advised is a highly controversial novel that raises critical topics on cultural stereotypes, racism, political movements, religious movements; human trafficking; mass immigration, Illuminati, and cultural identity. If you want to take a stand against evil, you need to identify it by its name, before having a strategy in fighting it. You need to tear down taboos and confront situations as they are. Once we do that, then we allow solutions to emerge. If we want to do that, then we must not run for a popularity contest; it can cause a stir in various groups of people like the Scandinavians, the Muslims, the Africans, the Jews, Leftists, Far Right Supremacists, and anyone in between. This book focuses on the need to call evil by its name, no matter what kind of clothes it wears; when you are complacent to evil, you also happen to be a to be a passive participant to its rise. The purpose of this novel is not to cave in the midst of the dark wilderness; we have got to figure out betters ways to deal with insanity.
  • | Author: Balthazar Rodrigue Nzomono-balenda
  • | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • | Publication Date: Jan 06, 2017
  • | Number of Pages: 410 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1540644219
  • | ISBN-13: 9781540644213
Balthazar Rodrigue Nzomono-balenda
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date:
Jan 06, 2017
Number of pages:
410 pages