In the first installment of Paula P. Roberson's new children's series, The Adventures of Cory Winston: The First Family Vacation, readers quickly learn that with a little imagination, the adventure of a lifetime is just around the corner. Cory lives his life on the outskirts, feeling mostly unimportant. His brother, Daniel, makes fun of him for being too small. His sister, Reba, treats him like a baby. But when Cory and his family go on summer vacation, he meets Spence. Spence treats Cory like an equal and even invites him on an incredible adventure. There's just one problem. Spence is a pixie. With Spence, Cory's not too small. He's not too shy. He's not too young. Instead, he's the only hope to recover a captured queen and save a kingdom from ruinous fighting. Most importantly, Cory's own father comes to appreciate his son's imagination and shows Cory how to open his mind to worlds and experiences beyond his wildest dreams. Cory's adventures are just beginning. Dive into Cory's imagination, and follow along as Cory, Spence, and a variety of other mystical creatures live a life that many of us think is possible only in the realm of fantasy.
- | Author: Paula P. Roberson
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Dec 19, 2016
- | Number of Pages: 68 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1539807169
- | ISBN-13: 9781539807162