Boost Your Credit Score and Get Excellent Credit! This 2 in 1 bundle contains everything you need to know to get that coveted excellent credit score. This book includes 2 manuscripts conveniently rolled up in 1: Revolutionary Credit Repair Secrets: Comprehensive Beginners Guide for Newbies Revolutionary Credit Repair Secrets: Cardinal Rules to Eliminate Negative Items from Your Credit Report and Get a Perfect Score Fixing your credit score may seem like a daunting task. If you are like most Americans, you probably don't know where to begin and may not even know how you got your finances into such a precarious position. That's why we are here to help. Your credit rating plays a critical role in your financial life. It can determine what interest rates you pay and whether you will be approved for the credit card you want. It can also determine whether you get a car loan for the auto you're shopping for at an affordable rate and many times it can even cost you a job offer! Having an exceptional credit score (800 or better) can open the door to the best interest rates and most desirable credit cards. This book will help you put together a plan for boosting your credit score and then maintaining your new higher score. If you are like many Americans, you have probably had these questions How do I request credit reports from the three nationwide credit reporting companies? How can learn my credit score, without having to pay for it? How can I successfully rebuild my credit after a bankruptcy or foreclosure, in the shortest amount of time possible? How exactly is my credit score REALLY determined? Where can I find an easy to follow and actionable step-by-step plan to improve my credit score? Revolutionary Credit Repair Secrets: Comprehensive Beginners Guide for Newbies Here is Exactly What You Will Discover..... What the FICO score is and how it dominates the credit score world How to start building a great credit score today What all the confusing credit card terms really mean Mistakes that lead to low credit scores and exactly what you need to do to avoid them How to repair your credit score, grow it over time, and maintain it for the longterm The trajectory of the credit score industry into the future and what this means for the consumer And Much More! Revolutionary Credit Repair Secrets: Cardinal Rules to Eliminate Negative Items from Your Credit Report and Get a Perfect Score Here is Exactly What You Will Discover..... Your Fico Score Your Credit Reports Creating Your Credit Repair Plan Strategies for Boosting Your Credit Score and How Exactly to Maintain that Perfect Score Mistakes to Avoid And Much More! TAKE ACTION TODAY AND PURCHASE THIS ALL-INCLUSIVE BUNDLE JAM PACKED WITH INFORMATION. Waiting any longer just means missing out on the perfect credit score and the life you deserve!
- | Author: Michael McCord
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Nov 01, 2016
- | Number of Pages: 96 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1539727416
- | ISBN-13: 9781539727415