It's true that there are a great many people who dislike themselves and find it difficult to reconcile that fact. They cannot honestly answer the question; are you able to honestly admit that you truly love yourself? For some there can seem that there is no hope, that this is something that you should accept and just get on with it. But there is help on the horizon and it comes in the shape of this amazingly insightful book. Love Yourself The 30 Day Challenge to "Self Love" Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It Inside these pages you will discover a new you, all in just 30 short days. Each short chapter is divided into 5 days so that you don't have to face a full month of this life-changing method all at once. Things which include: Processes which help identify the things you don't like about yourself How to turn these into something positive How to become your biggest fan and love who you are today How to create and use a self-love mantra And much more See for yourself the big difference this book can make to your life, and get The 30 Day Challenge to Self Love now!"