This book is Frederick Osborn's follow up to "The New Reformation: An Assessment of the New Apostolic Reformation from Toronto to Redding." In his first book on the NAR the author takes a broad overview of this movement. In "The Physics of Heaven: The Theology of the New Apostolic Reformation" the author turns his sights on the book written in 2012 by Judy Franklin & Ellyn Davis. Their book is endorsed by a number of recognized leaders of what has evolved into the New Apostolic Reformation movement in the 21st century church. Without a doubt, their book represents the foundations upon which the theology of the new Apostles and Prophets of this movement is based. In his review of "The Physics of Heaven" the author goes through their book chapter by chapter, discusses the primary ideas presented in each of those chapters, and contrasts them with the mainstream theology of the Christian faith.