More than 2500 Regular and 275 Irregular Verbs in English -- Topics: 01A. Regular Verbs -- Pattern - 1, 01B. Regular Verbs -- Pattern - 2, 01C. Regular Verbs -- Pattern - 3, 01D. Regular Verbs -- Pattern - 4, 02. Irregular Verbs, 02A. Irregular Verbs -- Pattern - 1, 02B. Irregular Verbs -- Pattern - 2, 02C. Irregular Verbs -- Pattern - 3, 02D. Irregular Verbs -- Important Notes | Sample This: 01. Regular verbs form their past tense and past participle by adding "-ed" in base (simple present) form. There are following patterns for making regular Verbs: A: Base form (simple present) doesn't end in "e". We add "-ed" in base form to make the past tense and past participle. Example: abandon -- abandoned - abandoned | B: Base form (simple present) ends in "e". We add "-d" in base form to make the past tense and past participle. Example: abase -- abased - abased | C: We repeat the last letter of the base form (simple present) in the past tense and past participle before adding "-ed". Example: rag -- ragged - ragged | D: Base form (simple present) ends in "y" (and there is consonant before "y"). We replace "y" with "i" in the past tense and past participle before adding "-ed". Example: accompany -- accompanied - accompanied || 01A. Regular Verbs -- Pattern - 1 -- Base form (simple present) doesn't end in "e". We add "-ed" in base form to make the past tense and past participle. Examples -- 001. abandon -- abandoned -- abandoned; 002. abolish -- abolished -- abolished; 003. abscond -- absconded -- absconded; 004. abseil -- abseiled -- abseiled; 005. absorb -- absorbed -- absorbed; 006. abstain -- abstained -- abstained; 007. accept -- accepted -- accepted; 008. acclaim -- acclaimed -- acclaimed; 009. accord -- accorded -- accorded; 010. accost -- accosted -- accosted; 011. account -- accounted -- accounted; 012. accredit -- accredited -- accredited; 013. act -- acted -- acted; 014. adapt -- adapted -- adapted; 015. add -- added -- added; 016. address -- addressed -- addressed; 017. adjust -- adjusted -- adjusted; 018. admonish -- admonished -- admonished; 019. adopt -- adopted -- adopted; 020. adorn -- adorned -- adorned; 021. afflict -- afflicted -- afflicted; 022. affront -- affronted -- affronted; 023. ail -- ailed -- ailed; 024. alight -- alighted -- alighted; 025. allay -- allayed -- allayed; 026. annex -- annexed -- annexed; 027. annoy -- annoyed -- annoyed; 028. anoint -- anointed -- anointed; 029. answer -- answered -- answered; 030. appeal -- appealed -- appealed; 031. appear -- appeared -- appeared; 032. append -- appended -- appended; 033. applaud -- applauded -- applauded; 034. appoint -- appointed -- appointed; 035. apportion -- apportioned -- apportioned; 036. approach -- approached -- approached; 037. arraign -- arraigned -- arraigned; 038. arrest -- arrested -- arrested; 039. ascend -- ascended -- ascended; 040. ask -- asked -- asked; 041. assail -- assailed -- assailed; 042. assault -- assaulted -- assaulted; 043. assent -- assented -- assented; 044. assign -- assigned -- assigned; 045. assist -- assisted -- assisted; 046. astonish -- astonished -- astonished; 047. astound -- astounded -- astounded; 048. attach -- attached -- attached; 049. attack -- attacked -- attacked; 050. attempt -- attempted -- attempted; 051. attend -- attended -- attended; 052. attract -- attracted -- attracted; 053. augment -- augmented -- augmented; 054. augur -- augured -- augured; 055. avert -- averted -- averted; 056. avoid -- avoided -- avoided; 057. avow -- avowed -- avowed; 058. award -- awarded -- awarded; 059. badger -- badgered -- badgered; 060. bait -- baited -- baited; 061. banish -- banished -- banished; 062. bankroll -- bankrolled -- bankrolled; 063. banter -- bantered -- bantered; 064. barrack -- barracked -- barracked; 065. barter -- bartered -- bartered; 066. bash -- bashed -- bashed; 067. batter -- battered -- battered; 068. baulk -- baulked -- baulked; 069. bawl -- bawled -- bawled; 070. beckon -- beckoned -- beckoned
- | Author: Manik Joshi
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Oct 12, 2016
- | Number of Pages: 100 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1539488926
- | ISBN-13: 9781539488927