Asthma: How To Get Asthma Free Naturally
Nook Press
Do you suffer with asthma attacks? Are you looking for asthma treatment that can help you get asthma free naturally? Have you wondered if there is an asthma cure? This book is about natural remedies that can provide relief for asthma symptoms, and reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. In this book you will learn about: What Is Asthma? What Causes An Asthma Attack? Asthma and Diet Natural Remedies for Asthma Over 20 million ????l? in th? United States can't t?k? br??thing f?r granted because th?? ?r? suffering from a chronic r???ir?t?r? ?ilm?nt ??ll?d ??thm?. Though ??thm? has no known ?ur?, proper m?di??ti?n ?nd ?h?ng?? in ?nvir?nm?nt ?nd way ?f living m?? help suppress and relief its ??m?t?m? ?nd help th??? ?ff??t?d lead a more n?rm?l lif?stlye. S?m? ?f the m??t ??mm?n symptoms ?f ??thm? ?r? ??ughing, chest ??ng??ti?n, wh??zing, lack of breath, f?tigu? and anxiety. Th? symptoms may b? varied f?r diff?r?nt ??r??n?. Asthma may be triggered by allergens, but there is also n?n-?ll?rgi? ??thm?. The non-allergic ??thm? ??n b? initi?t?d ?r aggravated by f??t?r? lik? ?tr???, ?lim?ti? changes, exercise ?nd other illn???. M?n?ging asthma b???m?? a v?r? ?riti??l and int?gr?l ??rt of th? liv?? ?f the ????l? ?uff?ring fr?m it. To d? thi?, ?n? h?? t? be ??r?ful to k??? ?w?? from things that ?ff??t the r???ir?t?r? ?rg?n? ?nd t?k? proper medication ?r h?m? remedies as advised b? a physician.
- | Author: Vicki Joy
- | Publisher: Nook Press
- | Publication Date: Dec 08, 2016
- | Number of Pages: 44 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1538007819
- | ISBN-13: 9781538007815
- Author:
- Vicki Joy
- Publisher:
- Nook Press
- Publication Date:
- Dec 08, 2016
- Number of pages:
- 44 pages
- Language:
- English
- Binding:
- Paperback
- ISBN-10:
- 1538007819
- ISBN-13:
- 9781538007815