How Badly Do You Want "It"?: "It" Is The Achievement Of Anything And Everything You Have Ever Wanted. What Is Your "It"? (Achieve Your Goals Like A Badass!)
How Badly Do You Want "It"?: "It" Is The Achievement Of Anything And Everything You Have Ever Wanted. What Is Your "It"? (Achieve Your Goals Like A Badass!)
Trying to achieve "IT" goes back to your youth. "IT" was getting Mom to buy you candy at the store. "IT" was getting that perfect date to your Sophomore Homecoming dance. "IT" was making the team... graduating from college... getting your first "real" job... and then that big promotion. And achieving each "IT" was a HUGE success, wasn't it? What about now? Today? What is "IT" for you? No matter what "IT" is, it involves accomplishing something. Which, in turn, means you're achieving a goal. "IT" requires you to SUCCEED!! "IT" is "SUCCESS"!!