Understanding Love For Relationship

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I love you, I love you! I love you? Did you hear yourself read that, did it ring in your mind? Of course you are not saying it to anyone but you are just reading it. Do you remember how many times you have ever said these three words to someone special in your life? Probably you do say it often but do you always mean it? With your mind? Heart? Emotion? Or just from your sense or body? What of when someone say it to you, how do you take it, flattered? Or you prove of it as loved? May be you wait until the person justify it with some action? Or you laugh at it and assume that's ordinary and those three words are just like any word and have only been sweetened by the world of fantasy. Whichever, at least you know there is something known as love whether you believe in it or not, just the same way heaven is real but you don't have to believe, it is a choice. Now whether one chooses to believe in love or not, at one point or another we must need it. Ask me where and when? That should not be a question, look around you, you are not an island; what force do you think bonds you to those people? I mean family, friends and even yourself? It is the force of love, it could be fake or real, depending on the energy that drives the force or the source. My curiosity on where the worlds morality is headed to have made me question where exactly did the rain did start beating us, that is, on every wrong in our contemporary society. I have asked myself why they happen yet we have love which ought to give a permanent solution. Then I noticed that all the problems we face be it war, divorce, poverty, environmental degradation, human trafficking, corruption, tribalism happens because of how we relate. Meaning most of our relationships are fake and vague; solely intended for the prosperity of self and after that is reaped then we fall apart. The relationship are not fake or vague because that is how they were meant to be but we have ignorantly chosen and have let them be, either directly or indirectly, since we are selfish and rarely think of others. In Romans 12; 9, Paul tells us not to be hypocrites by pretending to love but instead we should genuinely love and hate what it is wrong but we have become ignorant and unwilling to love with affection, instead we pretend to love yet we don't. And due to our hypocrisy, failure, sorrow, disappointment and unceasing lamentation has been the result, not because we don't love, of course we do love only that it is vague and fake. For a better world it is absolutely a high time we seek what love is and then sincerely love right for our good and for a peaceful and a better society free from all forms of hatred. If we can truly seek love, as God made it, that love which is never altered, that which loves unconditionally then we can be assured of a happy life with unceasing joy and laughter because love just solves all. But first we must know the difference between the real love (that has been ignored or rather not known) and the most embraced fake, vague love. So we can know how to acquire, maintain it before finally expressing it to those whom we relate to for a happy, peaceful society. That far you have noticed the love to be elaborately discussed in this book is not "I love football" or "I love pizza" kind of love but the love that is love I mean the original meaning of love not as it is been borrowed today in our discourse to mean anything which is our favorite. Of course love is a polysemant whose meaning are close and correlated and misunderstood and this book beyond reasonable doubt unravels the love that permanently bonds us for a fulfilling relationship Enjoy your reading and discovery on love and to always relate in it but if what you shall find in this book be an error and upon me proved then love never existed and no man shall ever truly love.
  • | Author: Fredrick Jay
  • | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • | Publication Date: Aug 27, 2016
  • | Number of Pages: 126 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1537313487
  • | ISBN-13: 9781537313481
Fredrick Jay
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date:
Aug 27, 2016
Number of pages:
126 pages