Romans 5:2 says that through faith we access God's grace and receive what we need from the Lord. Ephesians 2:8 tells us that by grace we have been saved through faith. Romans 4:16 says that it is of faith that it might be according to grace. As you can see, grace and faith are very important and they always work together. My desire is that the Word of God in this book will be a tremendous help and blessing in your understanding about operating in faith and experiencing God's supernatural rest in your life. I believe that many times we probably thought we were using our faith to receive from God but we were not in faith at all. One of the main things that will help us to know when we are in faith is a greater revelation and understanding of God's grace! For you who feel that you already have a good understanding of the grace of God but are still struggling to experience what has been provided for you through grace then I believe you will receive a greater revelation and understanding of how to truly release your faith and access God's grace. Expect your faith to soar and your life to be mightily changed and transformed by the Spirit of God through His Word!!