Global warming frightens even the baby in the womb. No one wants to be roasted by sunshine or swept off the earth by tsunami arising from extreme weather events. The sights of such events are frightening. Global warming is a problem of our civilization and we must live up to the reality. Just as we cannot live without products of civilization, so we cannot live without addressing the mess that comes from it. We cannot run away from the reality by fighting ourselves or by neglecting to act or pretending that all is normal or that environmental activists and some scientist are crying wolf! wolf! when there is no sheep. We cannot also afford to be wolf in sheep clothing, by pretending to be saving the planet, while being the number one destroyer. The Super Nations will not be free from climatic meltdown. Hence, concrete actions should not be sacrificed on the altar of politics. The addressing of climate change must not be seen as a tool for encouraging underdevelopment in the already developing and underdeveloped nations of the world. Rather, the developed world should live and let live by avoiding sanctions, embargoes and quotas that undermine development of such countries in the name of climatic change.