True friends are hard to find. If you can count your closest friends on just a few fingers, you should consider yourself blessed indeed. This book is about friendship - being a friend, having a friend. Few thoughts are sweeter than knowing someone is your friend. I saw a recent quote that sums up the value of friendships worth finding, "Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life and said, 'I'm here for you' and proved it.'" - Author Unknown This is my first book, and I am not sure exactly how I got to the end of it. But I know how it began. When God speaks, we can't see Him. Very few have had the opportunity to audibly hear His voice. But when He speaks in His own way, I am finally listening! The Lord's gentle whisper was clear to me - not audible, but clear. "Write a book on friendship." The subject matter was all too familiar. The week before, I had composed some notes in preparation for a speaking engagement. The Lord illuminated John 21 a year earlier calling me to be His friend. But write a book? Wait a minute, Lord? I'll need some strong confirmation. Many books are available by excellent, experienced authors and scholars. Why? It'll probably never be published. Who'll care? I had many questions, like these: Was that you, Lord? Did you say what I think you said? I'm grateful He didn't grow weary from all my questions. Interrogation might be a better word to describe it. I was willing to obey, but I asked Him to confirm what He had told me. So in the same sitting, I had already prepared a brief testimony I was asked to share at my church. After I did, our pastor delivered the day's message: "No Excuses." My heart pounded and burned as He preached from the book of Jonah - the one who ran from God's call. He ran as far and as deep as he could before he finally obeyed. The one who runs from God is a miserable soul. I'm sure Jonah was miserably sick in the belly of that fish. Jonah did not immediately obey because: 1) He misunderstood the challenge; and 2) He misunderstood the urgency. Our pastor urged us to trade fear for faith, noting that fear often stands as the arch-enemy of obedience in a walk of faith. When we fail to obey, we misunderstand the challenge and urgency of God's plan. The arrow of God's plan went straight from His heart to mine. I started writing, and was compelled to continue until the work was complete. After 12 rounds of edits, selection of fa cover by Breanna Sullivan, and a final round editing round by Editors Sarah Elizabeth Odom, Ph. D. and Janet Wallace, it's a work that God started inside of me and allowed me the privilege to complete. I invite you to journey with me and learn what it means to befriend the God of all creation through His Son. He has been the ultimate Friend of mankind for generations, but He also calls you to be His friend. You might ask, like I have - "But Lord, how can I be your friend? You have been my friend. You have rescued me, ministered to me, and comforted me for as long as I can remember. How can you possibly want me as your friend? Lord, you need Billy Graham, D.L. Moody, or others of great faith and stature, but me?" Abraham was called my friend by God Himself. The Lord spoke with Moses face to face as a man would speak to his friend. In John 21, Peter was called to friendship with the Lord Jesus. We, His disciples and servants, are also called to befriend Christ. What is it about these men that God endeared them as friends? Take this journey with me, won't you? Join me to learn who this faithful friend is as He speaks to you through scripture. It is a privilege to serve you from the table of God's Word. I will feast as you feast, and learn as you are learning. Traveling with friends is always fulfilling, so thanks for joining me. We've got quite a journey.
- | Author: Mel Ann Sullivan, Sarah Elizabeth Odom Ph.D.
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Jul 19, 2016
- | Number of Pages: 144 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1535374799
- | ISBN-13: 9781535374798