The book is a guide that aims at improving your general wellbeing by guiding you on effective steps and strategies to take as a way of dealing with people pleasing. The focus is on making you understand that you are important and that as much as you need to be good to others it never means ignoring your own needs. People pleasing is an act where one tends to agree to all that people say or ask for or going to extreme heights so that they can please others. One thing you should know about being a people pleaser is that it makes you live a very miserable life. This is mainly because a big part of your life will be spent pleasing others and you tend to forget about your own needs. Think of a situation where a friend asks you to go out and you really know you have other important things to do but just ends up saying yes. This could sound like a noble thing to do but you will have put your own needs aside just to please the other person and you end up feeling bad.