This special re-print edition of the First Edition of Horace Cox's book "Hounds Their Breeding and Kennel Management" has not been available to fans of this breed since it first appeared on the scene back in 1905. Mr. Cox's famous work on this breed, which was written under the pen-name "Sentinel" offers a unique look at the early history of the English Foxhound. The devotees of this breed praise their liveliness, courage, intelligence, loyalty and their appearance. The demand for this rare book has brought forth the much needed reprint of this famous classic work on these two terrier breeds. "Hounds Their Breeding and Kennel Management" will shed considerable light on these wonderful dog breed. Note: This public domain edition is a perfect facsimile of the original edition and is not set in a modern typeface. As a result, some type characters and images might suffer from slight imperfections or minor shadows in the page background. This edition is reprinted in accordance to Federal Law.