Want to know how you can actually save money even if you have very little? You really can and should seriously begin saving a portion of your income no matter how much you are earning each month. This is about the only way to begin the journey out of debts and build a more secure financial future for yourself and those you care about. Unlike many other personal finance books you see all around, this no-fluff book presents painless ways to enable you to save money and pay off debts starting almost immediately. Your journal towards having peace of mind without the constant worries about the lack of money and meeting deadlines for payment of bills can soon be over; much sooner and easier than you had thought possible. All you need is basic discipline and making a few financially smart moves on how to manage your money. In this book, Paul Stephens breaks down your goals into easy, manageable steps so you can: Have the required mindset to be debt-free Set up a realistic budget that works Spend less money wisely Automate your savings Freeze your credit cards Reduce your personal expenses Minimize your living expenses Get out of debt as soon as possible Know the difference between 'needs' and 'wants' and much more ...