Ahadeeth are sayings which are attributed to Muhammad (PBUH), the last messenger of Allah. The Status of Hadeeth in Islam is a book which traces the origin, history and background of these Ahadeeth and thus their true position in Islam. The Hadeeth literature has influenced Islamic scholars and ordinary Muslims throughout history since their first appearance on the scene primarily during the Abbasid Dynasty around 750 A.D. It is a historically established fact that Muhammed the last messenger of Allah did not leave any other book or compilation apart from the Quran. Within the Hadeeth literature itself there are sayings attributed to the messenger in which he cautioned, do not write anything from me other than the Quran. The Quran bears testimony to the fact that it was compiled by the messenger under his own direction. The Quran declares itself to be a complete book which gives the Permanent Values on the basis of which a system of life called Deen can be established, and which presents an alternative to all other systems which man has tried so far. It is also declared protected by Allah. The last messenger of Allah followed the Quran and in a short period of time with the help of his companions, established Deen as a system of life catering for the physical needs as well as creating an environment for human self-development. Any thorough unbiased study of the Quran will lead to the conclusion that the messenger never felt the need for any other guidance apart from the Quran - this aspect is argued in detail in the book.