Economic analysis has gained an important position in every field of life around the world. The base of every activity of life is economics. The application of economic tools and techniques not only reveals the pattern of economic variables but helps in arriving at optimum solution to the problem. Application of economic tools for economic analysis has become inevitable today. This book is a modest attempt to bring the various basic concepts of economics in a simple and clear fashion. The basic aim of this book is to create an interest in economics in the minds of all readers. Various basic aspects of economics are presented in a scientific manner with adopting the basic approach of questioning. The books covers the topics - Economics- An Introduction; Basic Economic Problems; Basic Units of Economic Analysis; Economic Systems; Economic Institutions; National Income Accounting; Saving and Investment; Demand and Supply; Elasticity; Utility; Production; Cost and Revenue; Market; Income Distribution; Entrepreneurs; Money; Monetary Policy; Inflation; Business Cycle; Employment and Unemployment; International Trade; Exchange Rate; Budgeting; Public Expenditure, Revenue, Debt and Taxes; Fiscal policy; Banking; Central Bank and Financial Institutions.