The Adventures of Minkey the Monkey is the story of a monkey with special magical powers that lives on a secret animal Island in the Pacific Ocean. The Island is only inhabited by animals that can talk like humans. The Island is called 'The Island of No Man'. The Island has thousands of monkeys. They cook, clean, and talk with other animals and party. One day two men and a woman called Irina from Russia visit their Island and kidnap Minkey and his best friend Tricky after tricking them. The woman is on a mission to produce Minkey and Tricky to a Wizard that lives in the forests of China. She hopes the Wizard will change back her parrot to the man she loves after she delivers the two monkeys. While at sea and happy with their successful conquest, they are attacked by an animal Pirate Ship called' Fantasy Star'. BearHug, the Captain of the ship keeps the woman, her companions and the 2 monkeys on his ship as prisoners. Later with trickery again, Irina the beautiful blonde Russian escapes in a small boat and takes Minkey and Tricky with her as they embark on a wild adventure in the Oceans and Skies. During their adventure, they meet the Ice Wizard, The Land Dragoness and Witch Folly. They also visit the great Hexagon city in the skies called 'Pink Skyland'. On the other side of the globe a Wizard and Witch want to capture Minkey because they can rule the World if they cast a monkey spell. Minkey's parents want Minkey back and engage in the services of a Genie but their wishes keep going wrong. Their final wish transports them to 'Pink Skyland' where Minkey and Tricky are finally held captive by the Wizard. Minkey's adventure eventually ends when he discovers his own great powers in the sky city and is able to conquer the Wizard in a one to one battle. He ends up marrying his new companion, Monkey Venice, whom he met in the 6th corner of the Hexagon city and they live happily ever.
- | Author: L. S. Nuemann
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Apr 09, 2016
- | Number of Pages: 210 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 153297289X
- | ISBN-13: 9781532972898