These poems were written long before David Bowie's video 'Blackstar' was released. They can be found in my poetry paperback book and e-book, 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress' by Brian David Scates which was published in 2013. I use the image repeatedly of a 'Dark Star' in many of my poems contained within the book of poetry I quote above. My poems are often dark in nature and are concerned about death. But not exclusively so. Love is extremely important within them too. Love I am sure saved David Bowie's life. He might have died long before he tragically did. But Iman his wife saved his life. David Bowie died in 2016. Love saved my life too. I think the symbolic concepts of 'Dark Stars' and 'Blackstar' were and are of intense importance to both of us. With David Bowie the 'Blackstar' was visualised as a death image as its prime symbolic function. Also as a source of total enigma and inescapable finality. My concepts can be very different indeed. Mine are to me at least more pluralistic. But then I wrote them and I have an insight into them we basically as outsiders looking into David Bowie's video 'Blackstar' cannot possess. No work of art is totally within the control of its creator anyway. Here in 'Blackstar' is a surrealistic use of what might be called the unconscious and I can see real evidence of the mind behind it. Rare. Relevant to an individual and not just as an art movement. When Salvador Dali was asked if he ever used cocaine, his witty riposte was, "I am cocaine!" David Bowie can say the same with this dark work of art. I make no claim at all that David Bowie read my book of poetry - 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'. His video is original. So is this book of poems I dedicate to this remarkable man.