Increase your Emotional Intelligence today and find true success This book Emotional Intelligence contains proven steps and strategies on how to develop and increase skills and competencies that serve as the foundation of your Emotional Intelligence. So what is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence is the capacity of individuals to recognize their own, and other people's emotions in order to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. Understanding how your Emotional Intelligence develops by acquiring both personal and social skills in managing emotions will help you make sense of your own feelings - allowing you to harness them when making decisions or maintaining positive behaviors that will help you achieve your goals. Having high emotional intelligence helps you know yourself and the people around you better, creating lasting relationships and deeper bonds essential to reaching your full potential. Emotional Intelligence is said to be a critical skill for leaders because you gain these important 5 skills: Self-Awareness Emotional Management Effective Communication Social Awareness Conflict Resolution Here is a quick preview of this must-have book... Defining emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence competencies Why is emotional intelligence essential to success? Develop your emotional intelligence Increasing your emotional intelligence Taking your emotional intelligence to many places And much more! Purchase your copy today! And gain the most crucial skill you will need for a successful life!