Reach out to God and Jesus by learning how to pray A powerful book full of inspiring scripts and prayers This book Powerful Prayer contains truths from the Bible that teaches us about prayer. It aims to help us understand the true source of that power and how it works in our lives. You will learn how to pray the way Jesus originally taught us and be able to access the power of prayer that God gave. Understanding these truths will help you pray powerful prayers. This book also contains verses that hold the promises of God for His children, which was made available to us through Jesus. You will also find examples of prayers that will help you start living a more prayerful life. There is power in praying We often hear this from people whom we ask for advice during hard times; or we say it to ourselves whenever the situation seems hopeless and prayer is all that is left to do. It is meant to encourage. But how does it work? Do we receive power through praying or gain control over the situation? How do we move mountains? The power of prayer is simply this: the power of God made available to us through Jesus. The power comes from Him who hears and answers our prayers. Prayer allows us to see that He is the one who works things out and that He fulfills the promises that He has for us. Prayer is a way for us to experience His power and miracles. In this book you will learn about: The power of prayer The purpose of the cross Grace and prayer Faith and prayer God's promises and prayer Simple prayers Meditation And much more! Learn to how pray today! Purchase your copy NOW