Are you tired of being confused about the plurality of God? Do you believe that God is one and are confused why people are saying there is more than one God in the Godhead, but yet say that God is one? I fully understand three persons in the Godhead? What about why Unitarians don't believe in the Divinity of Jesus? Are you questioning whether there are people in heaven right now or not? Do you have any questions in your mind about the Angelic-Human Hybrid Giants so frequently referred to throughout the Bible? What became of them? Where did they come from? Behind every great man is an even greater Legend. Do you know the Clash of the Titans? Who doesn't? Myth you say? I say not. What about the true difference between Angels and Demons? Did you know Demons aren't and never were Angels? Where did Demons really come from? Read this small, but action packed book that is nothing short of amazing, and you will find extensive answers to every one of these questions. You will have a complete understanding of the most common religious foundations and the New Revelation that will open your mind to much greater possibilities.