Introduction Stephen J. Chester The Moral Problematics of Exodus as Liberative Narrative Ruben Rosario Rodriguez Response to Rosario Rodriguez Armida Belmonte Stephens Human Violence in the Imprecatory Psalms Nancy L. DeClaisse-Walford Response to DeClaisse-Walford Meredith Faubel Nyberg Jesus and the Le[insert macron over e]stai: Competing Kingdom Visions Jesse Nickel Response to Nickel Rebekah Eklund Paul and Violence Seyoon Kim Response to Kim Julien C.H. Smith ""I Will Put Enmity Between You ..."": Scriptural Arcana in Carl Schmitt's Political Theology Kyle Gingerich Hiebert Response to Gingerich Hiebert Colby Dickinson Blood Letters from a Mao Prison: A ""Select Soldier of Christ"" Confronts Revolutionary Violence Xi Lian Response to Xi Lian Lida V. Nedilsky Bearing Witness: Faith, Black Women, and Sexual Violence Elizabeth Pierre Response to Pierre Melanie Baffes Keeping our Word (2 Samuel 9) D. Darrell Griffin