This book is a no nonsense, Christian based guide written for wives who are at a loss on how to get the most from their relationships, for women who want to rekindle the spark and passion in their relationships and for women who are currently in the state of choosing whether or not to pack their bags and get the heck out of Dodge. Who is The MISTRESS? Being a Mistress is a privilege and an honor which comes from holding the title "Wife." In fact, the acronym "MRS." is the abbreviation of the word MISTRESS. The Mistress is one of the most POWERFUL forces in her man's life! The Mistress is the woman who keeps the home fires burning. The Mistress is the woman her man wants to keep happy. By following the methods outlined within, it is my hope that each woman reading this book will understand how powerful she is and how to use that power to get the relational satisfaction she deserves! No longer will women sit on the sidelines and allow other women to seize on the opportunity to enter our relationships. We will be taking a hard look at the many ways we each sabotage our relationships and things we can begin doing to become the women that our husbands fantasize about. It's time that we take ownership of our relationships and our marriages. It's time that we become intentional about our marital interactions. It's time that we become passionate about our martial purposes. It's time for us to step into the role of The MISTRESS!"