Choosing to be abstinent from sex is an easy choice; however actually abstaining from sex is the challenge. Being equipped to maneuver through those challenges rests on the foundation of why the choice is being made. As a person begins or continues on this journey of celibacy success rests on understanding your position on abstaining. There are various reasons people make the choice to abstain from sex. Making the choice to abstain from sex is made for various reasons. Understanding the various reasons can help a person decided whether abstinence is a choice they would like to make. Whether researching individually or studying as a group this work book along with the book "Choices: The ideology of abstinence" can help get things started. Choices the ideology of abstinence is a book that explores the thought process of choosing to abstain from sex. This workbook is a companion to Choices which allows the reader to document what they've learned. This workbook outlines key moments in "Choices" and prompts the reader to dig a little deeper to make this experience personal and not just a book they've finished reading. Making this experience personal is essential for those who want to succeed after making the choice to abstain from sex. It is important to fully understand why it's a choice you want to make. This also can become a great resource for those who have already chosen to abstain from sex. It is full of information that will reaffirm why this choice was made and encourage further understanding.